XQuery Function
- Accessors
- fn:node-name
- fn:nilled
- fn:string
- fn:data
- fn:base-uri
- fn:document-uri
- Error Function
- fn:error
- XML Function
- fn-bea:inlinedXML
- fn-bea:serialize
- Constructors
- xs:string
- xs:boolean
- xs:decimal
- xs:float
- xs:double
- xs:long
- xs:unsignedLong
- xs:int
- xs:unsignedInt
- xs:short
- xs:unsignedShort
- xs:byte
- xs:unsignedByte
- xs:integer
- xs:positiveInteger
- xs:nonPositiveInteger
- xs:negativeInteger
- xs:nonNegativeInteger
- xs:anyURI
- xs:QName
- xs:Name
- xs:NCName
- xs:duration
- xs:dateTime
- xs:date
- xs:time
- xs:gYearMonth
- xs:gYear
- xs:gMonthDay
- xs:gMonth
- xs:gDay
- xdt:yearMonthDuration
- xdt:dayTimeDuration
- xs:normalizedString
- xs:hexBinary
- xs:base64Binary
- xdt:untypedAtomic
- xs:token
- xs:language
- xs:ID
- xs:IDREF
- Numerics
- fn:abs
- fn:ceiling
- fn:floor
- fn:round
- fn:round-half-to-even
- String
- Equality and Comparison
- fn:compare
- General Function
- fn:concat
- fn:string-join
- fn-bea:trim
- fn-bea:trim-left
- fn-bea:trim-right
- fn:substring
- fn:string-length
- fn:normalize-space
- fn:normalize-unicode
- fn:upper-case
- fn:lower-case
- fn:translate
- fn:escape-uri
- fn-bea:format-number
- Substring Matching
- fn:contains
- fn:starts-with
- fn:ends-with
- fn:substring-before
- fn:substring-after
- Pattern Matching
- fn:matches
- fn:replace
- fn:tokenize
- String Assembling/Disassembling
- fn:codepoints-to-string
- fn:string-to-codepoints
- URIs
- fn:resolve-uri
- Booleans
- fn:true
- fn:false
- fn:not
- Durations, Dates and Times
- Component Extraction
- Timezone Adjustment
- QName
- fn:resolve-QName
- fn:expanded-QName
- fn:local-name-from-QName
- fn:namespace-uri-from-QName
- fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix
- fn:in-scope-prefixes
- Nodes
- fn:name
- fn:local-name
- fn:namespace-uri
- fn:number
- fn:lang
- fn:root
- Sequences
- General Functions
- fn:boolean
- op:concatenate
- fn:index-of
- fn:empty
- fn:exists
- fn:distinct-values
- fn:insert-before
- fn:remove
- fn:reverse
- fn:subsequence
- Cardinality
- fn:zero-or-one
- fn:one-or-more
- fn:exactly-one
- Equals, Union, Intersection and Except
- fn:deep-equal
- Aggregation
- fn:count
- fn:avg
- fn:max
- fn:min
- fn:sum
- Miscellaneous
- fn-bea:integer-sequence
- fn:doc
- Context Functions
- fn:position
- fn:last
- fn:current-dateTime
- fn:current-date
- fn:current-time
- fn:implicit-timezone
- fn:default-collation
- SQL Functions
- fn-bea:execute-sql